Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Day 9 : Write about five blessings in your life.

Well, well. I have failed in this 30 days challenge. Nobody intended to fail, but most people fail to plan and eventually failed.

Things happen for a reason however never let things happen on its own without even trying to make the best of everything we have and we want to have.

Every little thing that has come to my life is a blessing. The smallest thing eventually lead me to realize that sometimes in life, we might lose the biggest thing we have when we ignore those small things.

The  5 blessings in my life are

to be me, myself,
to have such a supporting, dedicated and loving parents and family,
to have beautiful,brilliant and healthy children,
to have a career that has been one of my ambitions and....
to great friends around me.

My world might not look perfect to you but it is just right and perfect to me. Of course there are so much more than the 5 mentioned. Every day is a blessing to me. When I had a bad day at work, sometime I would feel unhappy.

I will be angry if my children do not want to listen to me, but I know that they are still small, energetic, very young and 'green'. That is pretty obvious. If I were to scold them every now and then, I will lost the moment seeing their happy smiles, contagious laughter and cute action gestures. So I will choose other way to 'tame' them.

Life is precious and every day is a new day for me to do things right. I am really blessed to have all the above things. They are the reason why I am still insane and happy in this world.

What about you? Share the you story with me.


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